Monday, November 9, 2009

Alive and well in North Carolina

Trust me, the only thing keeping me from shoving pictures all over this blog is lack of convenient internet connection.

Some things that have happened lately:
Hugh and I bought a used minivan.
We got hitched at the court house.
We quit our jobs.
Packed up the cats, my studio and our clothes, loaded them into said minivan.
Drove 2,045 miles. insert flat tire.
4 days after leaving Montana, arrived in Asheville NC. Promptly got lost.
Amy Tavern gave me directions to my apartment.
Joanna Gollberg brought me an air mattress and cake.
Hugh and I lived in an unfurnished apartment with 2 cats, my jewelry tools, and an air mattress for a week.
After enough days of that we drove to Williamsburg, VA to the inlaws.
Pre-opening at Quirk in Richmond VA
First friday opening for Sparkle Plenty at Quirk. Talked to everyone, drank wine, loved art, exhausted myself.
Next day rented UHaul truck, emptied the storage space I'd had since before I went to Guatemala in April '08.
Visited with parents for first time as husband and wife.
Drove Uhaul to Asheville. unloaded. collapsed.
Got job at local florist's.

can I get a "you go girl!" ?

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