Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Love the Soldering, Hate the Torch

I bought my torch from an old retired jeweler here in Montana, and I'm now wondering how long I'm going to get on it before I need to replace it. It's an old Smith mini-torch, and everything's a little worn. The hoses are stiff, and I'm a little scared of them being brittle. The hand piece gets hot while I'm using it, too. It's never gotten so hot that it hurts, but I've never used it for extended periods or at high temps, either. The most irritating thing, though, is that it won't keep its levels. I think the oxygen nozzle is worn out. It won't keep at the level I want, it keeps backing off till my cone is gone, and when I back it off to turn off the torch it increases and pops out the flame-every single time! The noise doesn't surprise me anymore, but it's starting to hurt my ears! I'm going to try going to a smaller tip, since I'm using a very low flame, and maybe it will want to work with me at a lower take of oxygen.

In other news, I'm going to be participating in an arts, crafts, and consulting show in Great Falls, about an hour south of here. I talked to the organizer and it's a long running show, with other high-end jewelers, and it will be inside the mall, so I will definitely have some customers. I'm a little nervous about getting stuff together for a show that's only 2 months away (May 1st-3rd) but it seemed like too good of an opportunity to miss! The booth is cheap, and I need something to work towards. The woman I work for at the flower shop said I can borrow any furniture she has, so tables and chair are covered, and another guy I work with that decorates all the weddings around here has lots of displays and decorations I can use. Now I'm designing, which I am having SO MUCH FUN doing, and where the torch troubles come in. Next after that are displays and packaging.

I sold an order on, and that money is just begging to be spent on a tumbler, so I'm off to call Rio!

Thanks if you're reading!

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