Saturday, March 6, 2010

Welcome to my Asheville studio, part II

The set up:
About a month ago Hugh and I did a redesign on the apartment layout, deciding that the loom had to find a new home away from the living room. So all art in the house now takes place in the second bedroom. I thought that it would be frustratingly full (you can't see in the picture, but the wall I'm standing against has industrial shelves in an L-shape, and then the cat boxes are shoved in the closet behind those, leaving about as much floor space as you can see in the picture) BUT it turns out I thrive in over crowded conditions. My dad always used to call me a nester. If I was working on something, all the tools and materials I needed would be spread evenly over an arms-length radius and then I'd leave it that way till I was done, much to my parents' unhappiness. The jewelry nook in the corner is absolutely perfect for me- everything's in arm's reach. And yes, there IS something new on the loom! Next post!

thanks for reading!

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