I really haven't been making any new work lately. I started a scarf months ago and it's still on the loom. The torch hasn't heated up except for some random etsy orders, and I haven't even been sketching new ideas. Motivation and morale are low. This dry spell started with a string of rejections and rejection is something that I can deal with, but I'm starting to wonder if this has deeper roots. I'm going to start making again, I promise, I just need a little break from what I've been doing to reconsider what I'm going to be doing.
In the meantime, though, I can't keep my hands still. I'll keep posting what I'm working on, even if it's just a dumb flower drawing. I work at a flower shop full time. I see a lot of flowers. I am very much not interested in spending much more time with them than I already do, but they do make good captive subjects when I'm feeling like getting lost in detail.